Onondaga County
Wilderness Search & Rescue Team
Night is Approaching...
and the temperature is dropping quickly. Alone in the woods, you have somehow become separated from your camping party. You've spent hours trying to find your way back.... now you are surely lost, as well as cold, tired, hungry and frightened. You sit beneath a large tree, gathering leaves, dirt and brush around you trying to keep warm. Your thirst is overwhelming. you wonder if you will live until morning. Darkness falls. Then without warning, you see a flicker of light, hear the crashing of branches and are suddenly descended upon by a large dog wearing an orange vest bearing the word "RESCUE" Her handler is not far behind bringing food, water, first aid and your survival.

Academy 2024
Oswego and Onondaga County SAR Teams Host Meeting for Prospective Members
OSWEGO and ONONDAGA COUNTIES – Do you like to spend time outdoors and have a desire to help others? Have you ever thought about joining a search and rescue team?
Our next SAR Academy is starting in early 2024.
WSAR was a featured organization on WCNY's Cycle of Health Program
Wilderness SAR was featured on the 2/14/19 episode of WCNY’s Cycle of Health Program. The episode is titled “First Responders and Responding to Crisis” can be viewed here.
Call Volume
12 month running total